Nothing much relevant is happening at the moment, other than teaching, (lots of) marking and writing up a couple of papers for conferences that are coming up later in the year. Hopefully, these will then result in submissions to academic journals. Therefore, over the next few weeks I will be posting about my main work last year.
In August I travelled to Brazil to be the international keynote speaker at the V Annual Conference of the Brazilian Association of Tourism Researchers (ANPTUR), which was hosted by UNA University Centre, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The conference attracted more than 200 delegates, all tourism students and academics from Brazilian universities and research centers. The conference featured a diverse range of paper presentations, supported by three keynote speeches (including mine). My presentation focused on the impacts of mega-events and how the tourism industry can leverage the hosting of such events. I used EXPO’98 as the case study, following a research undertaken in 2002 with my colleagues at BU Professor Roger Vaughan and Dr. Jonathan Edwards. In addition to this presentation, I was also invited to co-chair one of the sessions on tourism marketing, which enable me to have a better understanding of what fellow Brazilian academic research.
The conference was an excellent opportunity to network and further develop contacts with Brazilian tourism academics. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was also a good opportunity to enhance my understanding of the Brazilian tourism education system, both at graduate and post-graduate level: size, key players and sources of funding. One of the consequences of my attendance of the conference was the invitation to become a member of the editorial board of two of the main Brazilian tourism journals: ‘Cultura e Turismo’ and ‘Visão e Ação’.
In August I travelled to Brazil to be the international keynote speaker at the V Annual Conference of the Brazilian Association of Tourism Researchers (ANPTUR), which was hosted by UNA University Centre, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The conference attracted more than 200 delegates, all tourism students and academics from Brazilian universities and research centers. The conference featured a diverse range of paper presentations, supported by three keynote speeches (including mine). My presentation focused on the impacts of mega-events and how the tourism industry can leverage the hosting of such events. I used EXPO’98 as the case study, following a research undertaken in 2002 with my colleagues at BU Professor Roger Vaughan and Dr. Jonathan Edwards. In addition to this presentation, I was also invited to co-chair one of the sessions on tourism marketing, which enable me to have a better understanding of what fellow Brazilian academic research.
The conference was an excellent opportunity to network and further develop contacts with Brazilian tourism academics. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was also a good opportunity to enhance my understanding of the Brazilian tourism education system, both at graduate and post-graduate level: size, key players and sources of funding. One of the consequences of my attendance of the conference was the invitation to become a member of the editorial board of two of the main Brazilian tourism journals: ‘Cultura e Turismo’ and ‘Visão e Ação’.
(Photo: with Professor Miriam Rejowski, President of ANPTUR)