Thursday, 16 April 2015

External Examiner of a MPhil from Brazil

Today I examined a MPhill by a Brazilian Student from the Federal University of Parana (UFPR), South East Brazil. Raquel Pazini, a MPhil candidate from the Faculty of Geography, defended a thesis entitledTourism Products in Curitiba as perceived by incoming agencies’ managers”. The session started with a 30 minute presentation by the candidate, which was followed by comments and questions from the examiners. The thesis was examined by the supervisor (Dr. José Gândara), myself and 2 other academics: Dr. Debora Cordeiro Braga (Sao Paulo University) and Dr. Cínthia Maria de Sena Abrahão (UFPR). After a robust defense, the examining panel unanimously approved the thesis. Congratulations to Raquel on her success.